User Feedback Questionnaire

Thank you for agreeing to provide us with feedback on your experience with the WellBeings programme so far. Please complete the questionnaire below as honest as possible.

Thanks again, The WellBeings team

User feedback questionnaire
How effective did you find the initial training on the WellBeings programme
Have you logged in and used the WellBeings portal?
3. If so, how many times per week do you access the information?
4. How easy have you found the programme to access, navigate and deliver?
Would you say that the programme is having an impact on your overall school wellbeing?
How likely are you to use the programme in the future?
Would you recommend the programme to other schools?
Would you say that the programme has enabled your school to implement a Whole School approach to wellbeing?
Are you likely to purchase the programme once the current 12-month programme ends?