They notice emotional visitors, have chosen methods of self-soothing and are equipped for life.
They respond to setbacks and challenges with healthy, safe and appropriate choices, saving staff time and energy.
Work to strengthen their mental muscles, cultivate positivity, kindness and optimism and have a growing understanding of the role of the mind on their behaviour.
They notice their wandering mind, can self-choose an appropriate strategy to sustain quality attention and thereby improve their learning ability.
Pupils and staff have a broad range of ways they can express their thoughts and feelings both verbally and non-verbally to others.
Respond, regulate and role model
Staff are equipped to respond better to emotional
behaviours with safe, practical and appropriate actions.
They demonstrate self-control and self-regulation by practicing for themselves and with the children.
Tactics & Tips to support home mental wellbeing
A broad range of strategies that they can share and use at home for mental and emotional wellbeing.